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Daily Archives: July 12, 2020

My AHA Moment

So I had an AHA moment a few weeks ago. My wife and I had been selling some stuff on Market place. we hadn’t got any messages on a couple of the things for a couple of days. Then all of a sudden that morning someone showed up at our door wanting to look at something. well i told my wife I could not answer the door because happened to be dressed in a skirt and a cute lil top. I told her I cant go out like this! well she then said that she couldn’t go to the door because she had not put her make up on yet. Even tho she is a beautiful woman with or with out makeup she is self conscious about herself because she has some freckles that she wants to cover up and such and she does not want to present herself without makeup well in the end she conceded and went to answer the door…and I stayed in our room. When she had finished helping them she back in to me and said “I want to ask you a question” She then asked me what was the difference in me being self-conscious about what I wad wearing and her being self-conscious about her not wanting to go out with out make up on. Either way it was a uncomfortable situation for either one of us’ I thought about it for a moment and realized that there really was no difference in the situation. Why was I so afraid that someone I didn’t even know, was going to see me in a skirt? Was I afraid of what they would think? SO WHAT! So they would have something to talk about on the way home! Why should I really care what they think? Yet I did and I made my wife go and talk to them even tho I knew she was self conscious about not having makeup on, thereby saving my self those uncomfortable and putting them on her. My aha moment came when I realized that I should have just sucked it up and went and answered the door, keeping her from those uncomfortable feelings that I was trying to avoid. why would I do that to someone who loves and accepts me unconditionally ? I was being selfish! and who cares what anyone else thinks!

A similar situation came up the other day, She had to do a couple of errands and I decided to ride along with her. I was basically in dude mode but I was wearing some short shorts and a pink flowered top. No Makeup. I was just a dude wearing feminine clothes. well we decided that we would stop at a convenience store and get a soda. When we parked we kind of looked at each other and wondered who was going in. I thought back to the above situation and said I will go in and I did. Bottom line is no one really paid attention to me or what I was wearing. My point is if you want to go out as a male wearing more feminine clothes, Just do it, if you want to go out and present as female, Just do it, The only person you need to care about is you, do what feels good to you! and who cares what anyone else thinks, Its not your problem if someone has a problem with you, its their problem!